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Free file compression program for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003.


"WinGZip files produced by gzip to work is a small free utility."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: WinGZip files produced by gzip program to work is a small free utility (usually it's files. Gz or. Tgz extension) and also create these types of files. Main features, compressing and decompressing gzip files integrity test includes.

Gzip (GNU zip) compression with an excellent command-line driven compression program, patented algorithms on the Internet free of charge and is currently very popular. gzip, it can not roll up together a few files that are not archiving program. This is just the file compression.

. Gz format files created by gzip compression alogrithm (deflate) RFCs (Request for Comment) 1951 and 1952 are described. More information about gzip, you can find on the main gzip.org. Now you can download free WinGZip 1.0.0.

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